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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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EPHESIANS 2:19-22 THE MAGNIFICENT TEMPLE OF GOD Intro: Paul’s emphasis in chapter 2 has been on the
grace of God in salvation. He describes our lost condition in verses 1-3.
He talks about God’s amazing salvation in verses 4-10. Then, Paul reminds us that we
were Gentiles. As such, we were separated from the provisions and promises of
God, v. 12.
Not only that, but we were separated from the Jews, who were God’s chosen
people. They had the Law of God and they held the keys to pleasing God. The
Gentiles had nothing but condemnation and hopelessness. In
our natural condition we were lost and headed to Hell, but so were the Jews.
They might have had the Law of God, but they did not know the God behind the
Law. Both the Jew and the Gentile were lost. In Jesus, Paul tells us that we
have been reconciled to one another and to God. Jesus broke down the walls that
separated the Jew and the Gentile, and He broke down the walls that separated
lost sinners from God, v. 13-18. When Jesus died on the cross, He
opened the door of salvation to all who would believe, whether they are Jew or
Gentile. Having
told us how God saved us and has brought us together in Jesus, Paul now moves
to describe our relationship to God. In these verses, Paul describes The Magnificent Temple Of God. Paul
describes the temple God is building from both redeemed Jews and Gentiles.
There are some truths here that should
challenge and encourage our hearts. Let’s notice these truths
today as we think about The Magnificent
Temple Of God. I.
A “metaphor” is “a
figure of speech in which one thing is laid over against another thing in order
to make a comparison between the two.” Jesus was the Master of
the metaphor. Some examples of His use of this literary devise are as follows: ·
“Ye are the salt of the earth,” Matt. 5:13. ·
“Ye are the light of the world,” Matt. 5:14. ·
“I am the door,” John 10:9. ·
“I am the good shepherd,” John 10:14. ·
“I am the true vine,” John 15:1. ·
“I am the way, the truth, and the life,” John 14:6. ·
“I am the bread of life,” John 6:35. ·
“I am the light of the world,” John 8:12. ·
“I am the resurrection and the life,” John 11:25. In
this passage, Paul uses three metaphors to describe who the children of God
are. These metaphors are important because they magnify our relationship with
the Lord. Let’s examine these precious metaphors together for a few moments. A. v. 19b The Metaphor Of A Belonging - Paul uses
the phrase “now therefore.” This means “consequently, or because of this.” This
immediately draws our attention back to the preceding verses. The first part of
this chapter serves to remind us of who we were before we met the Lord Jesus
Christ. We were dead, v. 1. We lived to serve the flesh and the
devil, v.
2. We are wicked to the core, v. 3. We were outcasts
from God, from His promises, and from His people, v. 12. We were a people
who were in a deplorable condition. We were lost in our sins and separated from
God. We were literally doomed and headed to Hell, v. 3. Now,
Paul tells us that we are “no more strangers
and foreigners.” The word “strangers”
refers to those who “are not of one’s
family.” The word “foreigners” speaks of those who “are sojourners in a country that is not their home;
aliens.” Those two words accurately describe who we were before
we were saved by the grace of God. As
“strangers” we were always on the outside
looking in. Have you ever been a “stranger?”
Have you ever been in a place where you knew no one and no one knew you? Maybe
you went to a new school, or took a new job, or moved to a new town. I know
what that feels like. I changed schools four times between the third and sixth
grades. I was a stranger in those new schools. I moved from one state to
another. I came to this church from another county. I know what it is like to
be a stranger. I
remember one occasion when a man walked up to me in another town and asked me
for directions. I had to tell him that I did not know the place about which he
was asking because I too was a stranger in that town. Because I was a stranger,
I did not know my way around. I did not know the advantages of that community;
I did not know where things were located or how to find them. In other words, I
was in a position of ignorance. I was ignorant about the place I was in at that
time in my life. Strangers
are those people with whom we cannot have fellowship. When we are young, we are
told to “never speak to strangers.”
Strangers are the kind of people you do not invite into your home. Strangers
are the kind of people you are wary of and suspicious of. We know what it feels
like to be a stranger. We know that feeling both as people in this world and as
strangers from God. We know what it is like to go to God’s house and not fit
in. We know what it is like to feel like we are estranged from God. We know
what it means to be a stranger! As
“foreigners” we are in a place to which we
do not belong. We are in a country that is not ours. We are separated from
others by culture, by language and by nationality. If you have ever travelled
to another country then you know what it is like to be a foreigner. We
were in Mexico last year and needed to pick up a thing or two at a local
pharmacy. There was a clear language barrier, and it was easy to see that we
were foreigners. We were there during some big Roman Catholic festival to honor
the Virgin of Guadeloupe. Each night children would roam the streets of bands
of three or four and would want to sing for donations. They sang their songs in
Spanish and I never did know what they were singing about. Why? I was a
foreigner! I was a stranger. I was ignorant of their speech, their customs and
their ways! As
foreigner does not have the same rights as those in the country he is visiting.
They are citizens and enjoy the rights and privileges of citizenship, but a
foreigner has no rights. A foreigner travels on his passport. He is allowed to
remain in that country only by the permission of the government and he can be
deported any time they choose. A “foreigner”
may know more about his host country than a “stranger,”
but he is limited in what he can do. Paul
tells us that in a spiritual sense, we were “strangers
and foreigners.” When it came to God, we were “strangers.” We were ignorant of Him and of
all He could give us. We were on the outside looking in at the blessings of
God, not understanding that those very things could be ours. We
were also “foreigners.” That is, we were
around the things of God, but we did not understand them. We would read a
tract, own a Bible, go to a church, sing a hymn, etc., but we had no saving
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, thus we were not full citizens of His
kingdom. We had no spiritual rights or standing. But
now, because God through Jesus Christ has reached out to us and has taken us
in, we are “fellowcitizens with the saints.”
That means we have changed our citizenship. We are members of a new kingdom. We
are no longer “strangers and foreigners,” we
are in the family, and we have come home. Because
we are citizens of the United States of Americas we have certain privileges,
rights and responsibilities that do not belong to non-citizens. As citizens we
are under the protection of our government. As citizens we are under the
authority of our government. As citizens we get to vote for our leaders and we
must pay our taxes. Because
we have been saved by grace, we have been brought into a new kingdom. We have a
new national anthem: Amazing Grace! We march under a new flag: the bloodstained
banner of Calvary! Because we are citizens of God’s kingdom, we are brought
under His protection and His authority. As
citizens, we are no longer ignorant of God, His blessings, or of what He can do
for us. When they preach about Him, talk about Him, sing about Him and testify
about Him, I know what they are talking about! As
citizens we are no longer without rights and without standing. As citizens we
cannot be deported. As citizens we are no longer separated from God. As
citizens, we are on equal footing with the rest of the saints, Ill. Matt. 8:11.
As citizens, we even have access to the King Himself, Eph. 2:18; Heb.
4:16. As
Dr. D. Martin Lloyd-Jones said, “We no longer live
on a passport; we have a birth certificate. We really do belong.” B. v. 19c The Metaphor Of A Birth - Not only are we
“fellowcitizens,” but we are also “of the household of God.” This means that
we are not merely citizens of God’s kingdom; we are also members of God’s
family. When we were saved by the grace of God, we were “born
again,” John 3:3, 7. We were adopted out of Adam
and into Christ, Col. 1:13. This
is a far more intimate relationship that merely being a citizen of a country.
As a citizen I can know about the King, and I might be able to meet the King,
but as a son, I know the King. Illustration: The story is told of a king who was holding
court in his throne room. His counselors, advisors, noblemen, and the ministers
of state were all there. Suddenly, there was a loud banging at the door.
Hearing the clatter, all heads turned in that direction. Immediately, the door
burst open and into the room ran a little boy. One
of the royal guards tried to stop the boy saying, “Here now
boy! Don’t you know you are interrupting the council of your king?” The
little boy kept running toward the king, and he replied, “He’s
your king, but he’s my daddy!” And with that he leaped into the
open arms of his father! As
God’s children we outrank all others in the kingdom! We have access to our
Father at all times for we are His sons and daughters! That is why John
marveled in 1
John 3:1 about the exalted position enjoyed by those who know
Jesus. Since
we are His children, He has our best interests at heart. What touches you
touches Him. Ill. “...for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple
of his eye,” Zech. 2:8. He will take care of you, Luke 12:32. C. v. 20-22 The Metaphor Of A Building - Not only are
we in the kingdom and in the family, but we are also part of His building. The image of a building is
just another way of describing the body of Christ, of which all the redeemed
are a part, v.
18. As
citizens, we share a common country. As children, we share a common bloodline.
As part of the building, we share an indivisible unity both to God and to one
another. The
citizens in a kingdom may be divided. Just look at America today. We share a
common citizenship with all other Americans, but there is vast separation in
our nation on all kinds of issues. But, in a building there is absolute unity. The
members of a family may be separated by distance and circumstance. Look at the
family of Casey Anthony. That family is torn to pieces and it will never be the
same. I have relatives I haven’t seen or spoken to in years. We are related,
but we are not close. But, the parts of a building are inseparably linked. In
a building there is no separation between the stones. They are brought together
by the will of the builder and put in their places and there they stay. One
stone on top of another, one stone beside another, inseparably brought together
as part of the same building. One stone may have come from one quarry and the
stone next to it from another, but they are both part of the same building.
They either stay together or the whole building falls. So,
Paul tells us that we are not strangers and foreigners any longer. We are
citizens of the same kingdom. More than that, we are members of the same
family. More than that, we are components of the same building, standing
together in Him with a closeness that is permanent, powerful and precious. Some
parts of this building are Jew and some parts are Gentile. I came from one
place and you came from another. We have differing pasts, abilities, interests
and ways. Yet, in spite of our differences, we have been brought together in
Jesus Christ and given a unity in Him that is stronger then blood. We have been
given a unity that will outlast time itself. Kingdom will fall. Families will
die out. The building God is building with stones like us will stand forever as
a testimony to His glory, His Grace, His power and His honor! Those are the
metaphors Paul uses. I.
Metaphors Paul Uses II.
Paul’s words have a few powerful messages to teach us. Let me share them with
you today. A. There Is A Message Of Salvation - The
phrase “are no more” reminds us that
who we are and what we have in Jesus Christ is ours because of God’s grace in
salvation. We are in the kingdom; we are in the family; and we are part of the
building because God, in His grace, reached down to worthless, lost sinners
like us and drew us to Himself and saved us by His grace. We do not deserve what
we have in Him. We did not earn what we have in Him. Everything we have and are
in Jesus Christ is through and by the grace of God, Eph. 2:8-9. Paul’s message
is a message of salvation and a message of new beginnings. It is a message of
the powerful changes Jesus Christ makes in every life He touches, 2 Cor. 5:17.
Ill. “are no more...!” Thank God, we are changed! B. There Is A Message Of Security
- Verse 20
speaks of our security. We are built on the “foundation of the apostles and the
prophets.” That is, our hope, our faith, our salvation stands on the sure
foundation of the Word of God. These men of God, the “apostles
and prophets” received the Word from God and they shared it with
their generation. People heard it. They believed it, and they were saved. They
took the message they had been given, and they built upon it by sharing it with
the next generation. And, so the building has been built year after year,
generation after generation. That is what I am doing today. I am doing my best
to be true to the accurate doctrines of the Gospel and the Bible. Some hear the
preaching and they believe, and another generation is added. Our
security is also derived from “the Chief
Cornerstone.” The cornerstone was the most important component
of ancient buildings. It had to be strong enough to support the building that
would rise from it. It also had to be properly placed
since every other part of the building would be measured by it. If the building
was to be square and plumb, the cornerstone had to be perfect. The cornerstone
was the support, the reference and the unifier of the entire building. It had
to be exactly right, or the whole building would be would be out of square, out
of plumb and likely to fall. Jesus
Christ is to the church what the cornerstone is to a building. He is the
essential component. If we are wrong when it comes to Him, then everything we
build on that faulty foundation will be wrong. But, if we get the fact
concerning Jesus Christ correct, and we understand Who He is and What He did so
that the church could come into existence, everything we build on Him will be
strong, stable and enduring. 2,000
years ago, Jesus gave His life on the cross to redeem His bride. The apostle
and prophets took that message to their generation and began to build up and
out from that perfect Cornerstone. Now, generation after generation has been
added to the building, and it is still straight, true and strong today. The
Cornerstone that stands under the church is able to support the load that is
being built upon Him. He was properly placed and every stone that has been
added to this building is as straight and as true as he is! There is no blemish
and no spot in the church He is building. It is a perfect structure that
reflects His character, His grace and His power! (Ill. Isa. 28:16; 1 Pet. 2:7, 9) C. There Is A Message Of Success
- We are not responsible for building this building of God. If we were, we
would be doomed to failure. Verse 21 makes it clear that someone else
is doing the building. The phrase “fitly framed
together” is in the “passive voice.”
It means that another is building the building. He is adding stone upon stone
to build His temple for His glory. Like a master mason He chooses the stones on
by one and places them exactly where He wants them. Our
duty is to keep ourselves pure and to continue telling each successive
generation about the Lord Jesus. He takes His stones, some from here and some
from there, but He is always building His temple. The word “groweth” is in the “present tense.” It means that the building is
always growing. God is ever building His building, Acts 2:47. We may not see
any stones added to the temple today, but somewhere the Lord has added stones
to the building. He has reached into the quarry and selected some to make a
part of His building. That
is why we must never become discouraged in our work for Him, Gal. 6:9.
The success of the church is not in our hands; it is in His hands. We must
trust Him that He will properly build that which pleases Him! I.
The Metaphors
Paul Uses II.
In this building That God in His grace is constructing, I see a few miracles
that we do not want to miss. A. The Miracle In Our Redemption - I have
already alluded to this, but stones to not choose to be a part of the building.
The builder chooses them. The builder looks at the stones and He chooses those
He desires. The
miracle of our redemption lies in the fact that we should still be in the
quarry with the rest of the stones. But God in His grace, for His Own reasons,
reached down to us and brought us to Himself, saving us from our sins and
putting us in the building, Eph. 1:4; 2:8. I
don’t know why he set His love on me. I don’t know why He chose me to be a part
of the body of Christ. I don’t know why Jesus died on the cross and shed His
blood for me. But, I know this: I don’t have to understand it to rejoice in it!
I thank God for the miracle of redemption! B. The Miracle In Our Rehabilitation - When
the builder reached out and picked up a stone, he had to shape that stone to
fit in the place he had picked for it. The builder would take his hammer and
chip off pieces here and there, reshaping the stone until it was just right.
Then, He would put it in its place. Thus
it is with us. When God came to us and saved us by His grace, we were a mess.
Since that moment, He has been in the process of chipping away all the things
He does not want, reshaping us into His image. His ultimate goal is that we
become like His Son, Rom. 8:28-29; Eph. 4:13.
The chipping process is not pleasant, but the end result will be worth all the
pain! Every setback, every frustration, every minor annoyance, along with all
things good and pleasant are part of God’s building process. He
takes us like He finds us and remakes us into His image. He is building “a holy temple.” He is not building a pile
of dirty, misplaced stones. He is building a beautiful temple called the
church! When the building is complete, every stone will be in place and every
one of them will look like they belong in the building! C. The Miracle In His Residence - According
to verse
22, we are “builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.”
The real miracle in all this is that when we are saved, we become “living stones,” 1 Pet. 2:5. We are not
dead rocks, but we are made alive in Jesus and we become the Temple of the Holy
Spirit, 1
Cor. 12:13; 3:16-17; 6:19. He comes to
live within us! The word “habitation”
refers to a permanent dwelling. He comes into our lives and transforms us into
His temple. He
also takes us as individuals and makes us a part of the larger, spiritual
temple He is building in the world. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. Thus, I am
the temple in which He dwells. I am also a “living
stone” in the church, the body of Christ. As such, I am united
with every other believer as part of a holy temple to the glory of God. God
builds up His church out of the dead stones of this world so that He might
bring us to life as a living testimony to His power and glory! He reveals His
grace and power to a lost and dying world by placing “living stones” like you
and me in His temple. That is a miracle! Notice
that we called a “holy temple.” God saved us
and set us apart from the world around us. Nothing glorifies Him as much as
when His temple brings honor and glory to His name. Conc: Dr. John MacArthur said this, “Through the blood, the suffering flesh, the cross, and the
death of the Lord Jesus Christ, aliens become citizens, strangers become
family, idolaters become the temple of the true God, the hopeless inherit the
promises of God, those without Christ become one in Christ, those far off are
brought near, and the godless are reconciled to God. Therein is the
reconciliation of men to God and of men to men.”[i] There
is a valid reason to worship and praise the name of the God Who saved us. You
may need to come do that. You may need to come be saved. If He has spoken to
your heart today, please do as He is calling you to do! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |